On Mon 24 Mar 2003 04:05, Lea Gris posted as excerpted below:
> François Pons wrote:
> | Doing updates of urpmi will also help this process to be taken into
> | account, else it is generally necessary to just "urpmi urpmi" in order
> | to update urpmi first before updating everything else.
> Thank you for providing us with this information. It may be wise to
> dispatch this as widely as necessary.

Indeed.  I'd suggest putting this in the man page.  I know that's where I 
initially learned how to use urpm*, after seeing it mentioned somewhere.

Of course, getting  all the various urpm* guide sites to mention it too would 
be nice, but since most of them are user sites...

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." --
Benjamin Franklin

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