On Tue, 2003-05-27 at 03:44, Steffen Barszus wrote:
> Am Sonntag, 25. Mai 2003 23:46 schrieb Vincent Danen:
> > On Sun May 25, 2003 at 11:35:27PM +0200, Guillaume Rousse wrote:
> > > > I don't know about the cooker wiki... I don't think it's as well known
> > > > as a place to put stuff, but you shouldn't dismiss it as a place where
> > > > to put your document.  Look at it this way... what difference does it
> > > > make if you put it somewhere on your own personal space or on the wiki?
> > > >  All it does is make it more work for you to merge in other people's
> > > > suggestions and changes.  The same interest will still be there...  you
> > > > just have less work.
> > >
> > > Whereas i complety agree there is no real issue about where the document
> > > lives exaclty, there is a big difference concerning visibility when using
> > > a central node to at last referencing and organising all those documents.
> >
> > Exactly.  Who cares where the document lives?  The nature of the web
> > dictates that we could put up a thousand links to it regardless of where it
> > is... that isn't (or shouldn't be) the point at all.
> >
> > The point is, how much work to maintain it?  It's no additional work for
> > the author to use a wiki, even if they are only one maintaining it and no
> > one, ever, contributes to it.
> >
> > however, on the off-chance that someone does want to contribute (or you get
> > 100 people contributing), this could turn into a full-time job whereas on a
> > wiki, they can make those changes themselves.
> >
> > *My* wiki (which is not the "Mandrake Community" wiki, but rather my online
> > security reference manual (http://linsec.ca/)), is purely 100% maintained
> > by myself.  I love using a wiki for it.  Even if no one ever contributes to
> > it, the option is there.  And for me, it's much nicer to manage it even if
> > it's a solo show.
> >
> > I think wiki's are great.  =)
> Yep agree and I want to add that the said was not true. There is not a big 
> hype in the beginnig and then nothing. A wiki has to reach a critical mass 
> for work as a self runner. On the OpenFacts wiki there were after all not 
> more then 2 people that worked on it. That was Sascha Noyes and me. Maybe 
> some small things from others. After some time it was not clear if we work 
> against the MandrakeClub since there was spoken about user contributed 
> Documentation too. After some time of no further knowledge if it is good what 
> we do at least I stopped to work on it. It was not a matter of missing 
> interest it is a matter of missing information. I don't know what happened to 
> Sascha, but I have not heard anything a long time from him. Plus all at all 
> it was a quick shot to begin with. After some time the cooker wiki has begun 
> on qa.mandrakesoft.com that oboletes parts of the OpenFacts wiki. The 
> expert-ML wiki obsoletes the openfacts wiki now totally, the only nice thing 
> it has that there is easy translation possible with the wikipedia wiki on 
> OpenFacts. What I disliked from beginning that it is not possible to change 
> something especially for mandrake on it since it is in wide parts very 
> similar to sourceforge and not mandrakespecific or user driven.

Best example I know of of critical mass is wikipedia...
>  Beside the said above, it is simply not true that a wiki per definition 
> sleeps away. I for myself have some stuff on my disk I want to contribute, to 
> have it on a common place. 
> Steffen

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