On Sat Jun 07, 2003 at 08:55:46PM +0200, Stefan van der Eijk wrote:

> <IMHO>
> Releasing means supporting. supporting a product requires an 
> organisation and knowledge being available. It also needs to be 
> worthwhile --> bring some $$$ to the company. For the alpha, mips, 
> pa-risc and sparc the market is too small.
> Since I'm more or less the maintainer of the alpha port, I've had some 
> interesting discussions with mdk employees on this topic. I don't have 
> the illusion that the alpha port will ever turn into a "product" that 
> will be supported and even bring revenue to mdk. I see it as my personal 
> research project --> I want to prove that maintaining multiple ports can 
> be done efficiently...
> </IMHO>

Also, don't forget updates.  Unless the people who build these ports are
willing to maintain a system/chroot/whatever dedicated for 18mos for
building updates for these ports, it won't happen.  As Stefan says, making
this stuff "official" means it needs to be maintained; without having access
to these various machines for the duration of the lifecycle, it's not even
worth starting it.

That being said, there is nothing from stopping a community built/community
hosted unofficial port; the community builds the port, the community
maintains the port, and MandrakeSoft doesn't have any official dealings with
it (ie. the community completely and 100% supports it themselves).

For alpha, mips, pa-risc, and sparc, I think that would be the best shot.
You could like talk ibiblio or someone into hosting the port if you wanted
to make an "unofficial 9.2/pa-risc" release (or whatever).

For PPC, I'd love to see it released in tangent with x86 (as well as x86-64
and ia64 I guess).

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
Online Security Resource Book; http://linsec.ca/
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