
Thanks for the feedback on the idea. Now, I would like to summarise some 
points that aroused in your replies.

1) MandrakeSoft might be reluctant to take the non-Intel ports under it's 
wings. This of course makes sense (as Stefan noticed, support = money, and 
we cannot ask the company for it in it's current state). I (and I think we 
all do) understand this (unofficial) position and respect it.

2) We (the community) have resources to keep the cooker tree up to date, 
with exception of Drak* tools. Thou they are important, they're not 
absolutely essential for development of the port 'per se'. What we need is 
up to date tree of cooker, and probably plf packages. With current 
resources this is doable. I've seen the schedule of 9.2 and realised, that 
"syncing" ports to it would be a bit of Hercules' job. However with more 
machines to rebuild packages (and with centralised and automated extranet) 
we may be able to make it for the next release. At this point, about 12 
months in the future we might be able to talk again to MandrakeSoft about 
possible "non-official" releases, that would stay community supported, but 
with worksing Drak* suite. Up to this point, CSC can provide required 
space for the ports on it's ftp server.

3) Most of the development machines are (or could be) located behind a 
front-end computer that would act as proposed extranet gateway and 
temporary storage. I think, that central storage node could be located at 
CSC, as we can
        a) guarantee the support for the system for the following 12 months by 
        some sort of "public agreement" (think Debian's "contract")
        b) provide ftp server for the ports (we have both computer and network 
        resources to do that).
4) Machines in other locations will have the same, unrestricted access 
through the extranet. All rebuild packages could be automatically copied 
to the storage node (30GB makes sense, I think).

5) From your mail, it seems that we /MIGHT/ be able to run the porting for 
the following architectures: Alpha, (Mips?), PPC, Sparc64 (32?) and 

6) The access to the extranet would be granted both to community developers 
and core, MandrakeSoft developers.

7) It's important to realise, that even if we successfully port everything 
to other architectures, MandrakeSoft might not be able to offer the ports 
as officially supported products. In that case we should have enough 
resources to supply patched packages for at least 18 months. This of 
course is personal decision of every developer, however I would strongly 
encourage you to pursue this goal (again, think Debian :). Mandrake Linux 
has strong community and I'm sure that some of us would do it.

"Where do we go from here, is up to you."

PS. I'm working on that XP1000 :)
Jaroslaw Zachwieja
Centre for Scientific Computing
University of Warwick

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