Duncan wrote:

I've been following this thread fairly closely, because I've been thinking about upgrading next to an x86-64 for my desktop. I'm hoping to get a dual processor board, altho I'd install only a single CPU initially and upgrade to the second later. Anyway.. what I'm wondering, since I like to keep cookerized, is what status Mandrake is going to be, for the desktop, for the Athlon-64 when it comes out for the desktop. Am I going to be better off just upgrading to the plain old 32 bit Athlon (probably dual CPU)? I'd also thought that altho I hadn't done the club thing, I'd probably do it at that, as I really couldn't justify NOT doing it at that point, particularly if I was spending all that $$ on hardware and if Mdk was going to have a decent distrib for it. I don't know how many others there are out there willing to pay, but I'm certainly planning on it if I go to that and Mdk is available at cooker update frequencies. Alternatively, I've been looking at Gentoo, if I'm going to have to compile everything myself anyway.. (Right now, my CPU, formerly overclocked, can't handle that sort of full time 100% CPU without crashing at some point. I've been trying to nurse it along until the Athlon 64 comes out, but if Mdk isn't going to aim for the desktop on it in a cookerized version, I'm going to have to change my plans somehow or other, I'm not sure how yet.)

I also hope we will se a lot of support for AMD64 platform. I've seen 2 2-way Opteron systems here az my university. They are performing some evaluation physical simulations on it and all are very happy with it and plan to buy more of them. I am also reading a lot about Athlon 64 and will almost for sure buy it in september. I like its features a lot and if it will be similar to opterons at university they are going to be great 32/64bit CPUs for desktop. And combined with kernel 2.6 it will be even better. So I hardly await Mandrake optimized for these CPUs and offcourse the CPU itself.

Live long and prosper!

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