On Sat 21 Jun 2003 00:32, Stefan van der Eijk posted as excerpted below:
> There is a dual opteron box at CSC. See:
> http://qa.mandrakesoft.com/twiki/bin/view/Main/DevelNetOutline
> We are setting it up so cooker can build on it. If we're lucky, we'll
> have slbd running on it to build cooker 24*7. Hopefully we'll also be
> able to upload the resulting packages to mdk and perhaps those will be
> mirrored. Just like what we are doing with the alpha port at this moment.
> If you're interested, you may want to participate in this (if you have:
> time, hardware or bandwidth).

I am definitely interested, and bandwidth isn't a huge issue.  Hardware is at 
present, but shouldn't be after I do the upgrade in a few months, if I'm 
lucky, early Q4, assuming the things are out and decently priced, by then. .  
Know-how would be the issue presently, if I had the hardware.  However, I 
intend to change that as well, within the next few months, so if I'm lucky 
everything will come together on it later this year.

Due to former overclocking, I can't push my current 1.2 Athlon C very hard for 
very long.  I can compile a kernel or an app or two, even that's pushing it 
sometimes.  I hadn't INTENDED to wait this long b4 upgrading again, but the 
desktop Hammer has to this point seemed frustratingly like an ever retreating 
mirage, and that's what I've been waiting for.

Duncan - List replies preferred.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin

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