On 2003-06-22(Sun) 13:52:05 -0400, Charles A Edwards wrote:
> > When trying to build gettext-12.1, or even rebuilding the current
> > cooker gettext-0.11.5-6mdk.src.rpm the build fails because
> > libiconv.so.2 can not be found.
> After sending I realized what was causing this.
> The gettext.spec runs
> %configure2_5x --enable-shared --with-included-gettext
> but it should be
> %configure2_5x --enable-shared --with-included-gettext --without-java

Charles, can you let me see the related error messages?

I was trying to make big modification to gettext spec (cleanup, split
java subpackage etc), and submit to gc afterwards for review. Gettext
package really needs some love now.


> Without that addition at configure, if gcc-java is installed, the
> default is to build with java which does require that libiconv.so.2 be
> present.
Abel Cheung
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