On Mon, 29 May 2000, Anton Graham wrote:
> Submitted 29-May-00 by Tom Oehser:
> | 
> | 1.7.185 still doesn't support the ext2-filetypes.
> | 
> | The 1.7.198 I just uploaded (ftp only, not a web link) does.
> Just tested the 198 disk and it works on partitions that 185 won't
> mount, but it is probably too late to add to 7.1 due to the freeze.

Hmm.  The reason for a freeze is because they need to check how different
packages interact, right?  Introducing a new version of package X might
adversely affect package Y, so if they didn't freeze the packages and
versions, they'd *never* finish working out the problems.

None of this would apply to things like tomsrtbt, though.  It's not
something that even gets installed.  It has no effect on the system.
So there's no good reason at all why it couldn't be added to 7.1, is
there?  Saying "we're in feature freeze so no" would be avoiding the
question rather than answering it, as well as displaying ignorance of
the purpose of a freeze.  Correct me if I'm wrong...

> (Kudos, Tom)

Ditto!  Thanks, Tom.

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