On Wed, 16 Jul 2003, paul mccarthy wrote:

> I do not understand what part of the message you consider a "useless rant"
> or why you say that I am not being sufficiently "polite".

Calling software "a booby-trap" isn't quite a compliment ... and 
the rest of the text contributes nothing in terms of addressing the 
problem, and doesn't constitute a favourable perception of your complaint 
(ie it's in your interest to have it removed from furrther discussion, 
unless I cut a technical detail of interest).

> I have always
> considered the Mandrake packaging of Linux to be the best available and the
> installation script especially helpful.   I have also noticed that Mandrake
> keeps changing the install script, probably in an attempt to make the
> installation even smoother and easier.

Indeed, one of those steps was to remove the expert/normal mode dialog, 
since user using expert mode should be able to find expert mode, and 
likely many newbies used expert mode and then complained about complex 
installation. I think there are some issues with the current setup (such 
as no-one ever sees advanced authentication options, which aren't 
available after installation), but you may want to consider posing your 
question after in a less critical manner ...

> I was always able to install previous versions of Mandrake Linux without
> difficulties. I am merely reporting what I consider to be an unhelpful
> change in the script.  My suggestions are:
> 1.  The expert install should be an option in the script rather than a
> command line parameter, as it was before.

I suspect there are good reasons for the change. Maybe a better solution 
is to have help text at the bottom of the screen telling you where expert 
mode is?

> 2.  Options like which partition to install the bootloader on, and whether
> or not to create a boot floppy, should be clearly visible on the screen
> rather than something one has to scroll off the screen to find, or click an
> advanced tab.

Probably 80% of users won't need this, and of those, probably 60% would 
make the wrong choice if forced (ie install bootloader on floppy instead 
of in mbr or something).

> I did not know about the various technical ways to fix the problem once it
> had occurred. 

Did you even try the rescue mode as suggested in the INSTALL.txt?

> I just reinstalled windows xp (I had pressing work that had
> to get done) and basically lost the registry settings.  I still don't know
> why I could not fix things based on what I knew.  I was able to get back
> into linux and tried pointing the bootstrap at the right partition, but it
> did not boot back into the windows partition.

You should always carefully consider reinstalling windows, it shouldn't be 
necessary for something like this, and if you do decide to, you should try 
and extract some information beforehand.


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