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On Wed Jul 30  2:05 +0200, lolomin wrote:
> answer, but i'm always amazed of this ( in a precedent message  you were
> also advising to upgrade perl-URPM manually to solve failure of urpmi
> while upgrading some packages )

Generally in those cases, you can upgrade perl-URPM and urpmi with
urpmi.  I've yet to see a case where that failed.

> What is the meaning of urpmi if we have to upgrade manually every week
> at least one package and by the way find which package we have to
> upgrade ( because that's never a simple thing for the "normal user" to
> find the one that makes trouble when you got 2 pages of rpm dependencies
> errors saying kdebase is absent e.g when this one is really there !!
> :o(  ) ?

The main problems at the moment involve broken rpm autogenerated
dependencies.  To be completely honest, I think that auto-deps are a bad
idea; the situation wasn't that bad before, right now it's worse, and I
don't think I see an improvement on that front on the horizon (the fact
that the perl checker still generates bogus dependencies like perl(the)
because one of the source files has a comment like "use the Foo widget
to..." makes this point abundantly clear).  At the very least, auto-deps
should be removed until right after 9.2 is released and then brought
back when there's enough time to get them reasonably working.

Levi Ramsey
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly.
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