--- Pixel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David Walser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > maybe we could disable nfs by default, agreed.
> > > 
> > > for the others, i don't know :-/
> > > if you are right, I do agree they should not be
> > > running by default,
> > > and it's a bug. And you should report to the
> > > maintainers.
> > 
> > So the package decides not drakx?  What do the
> > packagers have to do to change it?
> % grep chkconfig /etc/init.d/*
> ...
> /etc/init.d/portmap:# chkconfig: 345 11 89
> ...
> /etc/init.d/ypserv:# chkconfig: - 16 84
> ...
> - portmap will run by default at runlevels 3, 4 and
> 5
> - ypserv will not run by default (notice the "-")

I was just looking into this again, and I'm not sure I
see why that's the best way to not have something
start by default when it's installed, as opposed to
just having the SPEC file not run _post_service.

By changing the first part of the chkconfig line to -,
you lose that information: what runlevels should the
service be started in if it is used.

All _post_service does anyway is run chkconfig --add,
but when you enable a service in drakxservices, it
runs that anyway.  If the init script has the -, it'll
just enable the service for runlevels 3 and 5.

Given that, it seems to me the best thing for services
we don't want enabled by default on installation, is
to just have them not run _post_service in the SPEC
file.  They'll get chkconfig --add run when they're
enabled, and they don't lose the list of runlevels
they should be run in.

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