David Walser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> David Walser wrote:
> > Pixel wrote:
> >> David Walser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> 
> >>> Given that, it seems to me the best thing for services
> >>> we don't want enabled by default on installation, is
> >>> to just have them not run _post_service in the SPEC
> >>> file.  They'll get chkconfig --add run when they're
> >>> enabled, and they don't lose the list of runlevels
> >>> they should be run in.
> >> 
> >> agreed (i don't see any pb doing so, except having rpmlint whining,
> >> but that's ok :)
> >> 
> >> for example, packages that don't a working default config file should
> >> do this..
> > 
> > Great :D.  Luckily most of the packages I once thought shouldn't start by default 
> > have either been improved, or I'm just only now smart enough to realize they're OK 
> > :o).  The only one that's still questionable in my eyes is ypbind.
> > 
> > For now, the only packages I know that did the "-" thing in their initscript are 
> > apcupsd, nscd, and routed, so those need to be fixed.  Do you know of any others?
> Actually last we discussed this ypserv also did the "-" thing so if that's still the 
> case it should be fixed also.  The fact that it did that makes the case for doing it 
> in ypbind stronger too.

AFAIK ypserv isn't doing the - thing. Where do you see this ?
Fred - May the source be with you

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