has init scripts for lisa. This is mandrake specfic (though it was written for 
Thre are also init scripts for redhat (7.2, 7.3) and suse (7.1 )listed at

Perhaps Madrake could include this init script (or a updated one) for lisa, so 
that as you said it works on startup. (it did take me a while to figure out 
why konqueror did not work to browser lans and how to fix it)
If mandrake included a init script for this it would make it much easier for 


Gary Greene wrote:

> On Friday 16 August 2002 05:58 pm, David Walser wrote:
>> --- Mark Piper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > And perhaps we should have LISa AT LEAST LISTED in
>> > the services, if not
>> > on by default, so that an inexperienced user will be
>> > able to see
>> > something aside from an error message when clicking
>> > on Konqueror's LAN
>> > browser.
>> >
>> > It has a useful default.  Turn off the port
>> > scanning.  Enable the search
>> > using nmblookup only.  Then you'll see computers
>> > like you would in
>> > Windows.
>> Can you write an init script that would do this?  If
>> so, maybe Laurent would be willing to include it.
> SuSE has an init script for this. If I had my SuSE box here I'd get it to
> you...

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> IOS Development, Cisco Systems UK.

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