Lea Gris a écrit :
Lea Gris a écrit :

This is already one week the problem exist and it was notified but nobody fixed it

What are you doing with the Mdk 9.1 update mirror ?

L'installation a échoué:
        mandrake_desk >= 9.1-5mdk est nécessaire à kdebase-3.1.3-3mdk

This is due to club_test source missing the propper mandrake_desk

Who should I contct for problems with the club_test mirror ?

I don't beleave the comments on packages are actually read by Mdk Club team.

There are several missing packages comments for this update and nobody from mdk replyed or fixed IT.

This is shame we _pay for club_ and have this little support from Mandrake Club.

-- Léa Gris - http://www.noiraude.net/ () Campagne du ruban texte brut contre les courriels en HTML, /\ contre les pièces jointes dans un format propriétaire.

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