Well, I'm sorry for my trollish way of saying it. The real point here is I'm just willing to expect more quality and more support as a club member and ans Mandrake Sustainer than from friendly geekish mirrors and contributions. If I can't get it work better with the club and with Mandrake I have less motivation in helping Mandrake by joining the club.

You want users tu help Mandrake existe and develop ?
Makes them happy with good packages, good support, good distros.
Just to make the point clear
The distro should if certain things are not true go to a FULL STOP on devel until a blank disk install boots correctly the first time
and the CORE SYSTEM is clean. item list:
1 base filesystem package/ boot <---- if it doesn't boot it needs to be fixed
2 cli utils and /dev subtree <------ if bash or the basic utils are broken this gets fixed
3 HardDRAKE and related utils <--------- any time a user has to create dev nodes by hand is BAD
4 XWindows and KDE <-------------- if these don't work you might as well be running gentoo
5 Internet and Multimedia <------------ most users run systems for these
6 Office stuff <---------------- this is most of the "other" users

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