On Sat, 16 Aug 2003, Lea Gris wrote:

> Buchan Milne a écrit :
> > Well, you were not given assurance that all packages from Club would be 
> > supported, you joined MandrakeClub to support Mandrakesoft, mainly to 
> > develop the distribution itslf (if you read the page describing the 
> > benefits).
> Well, I'm sorry for my trollish way of saying it. The real point here is 
> I'm just willing to expect more quality and more support as a club 
> member and ans Mandrake Sustainer than from friendly geekish mirrors and 
> contributions. If I can't get it work better with the club and with 
> Mandrake I have less motivation in helping Mandrake by joining the club.
> You want users tu help Mandrake existe and develop ?
> Makes them happy with good packages, good support, good distros.

You know it's of little use discussing these issues on this list, please 
send this to Mandrakesoft management, not the people who do what they can 
to provide quality packages on the Club, provide quality answers to 
questions on the Club (even to non-members) etc etc.


|----------------Registered Linux User #182071-----------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
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