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Manoj Joseph wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a piece of software that I would like to submit for
> consideration for inclusion in the Mandrake distribution.
> I wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I was directed to make a
> presentation in this forum.
> The software is an ext2 file system driver for Windows NT 4.0.
> URL : http://winext2fsd.sourceforge.net
> What does this software do?
> ---------------------------
> - This software is a file system driver - for Windows NT
> - It facilitates access to ext2 partitions from Windows NT by
>   *any* windows application.
> - The drive can be accessed just like a native (fat/ntfs)
>   partition - through the regular windows APIs.
> - The partitions show up as regular drives - E:, F: etc.
> - The user does not 'see' the fat and the ext2 partitions as
>   'different'.
> - Functionality-wise, this driver is similar to the FAT FS
>   driver that ships with windows.
> Note: This is not a user mode program like the ext2 explorer
>   utilities out there which permit users to copy files to and
>   from ext2 partitions.
> Who would need it?
> ------------------
> - This driver's primary target would be (WinNT+Linux) dual-boot
>   systems.
> - *Lots* of home user installations are dual-boot. Very often
>   WinNT+Linux. Like mine. ;)
> - Very useful to a Windows NT user who is shifting to Linux...
> Why include a Windows Utility with Linux??
> ------------------------------------------
> - I think of this as a 'migration' utility rather than a
>   _Windows Utility_.
> - Just as support for fat and ntfs(?) in Linux makes a dual-boot
>   worth trying, the reverse (support for ext2 in NT) does make
>   sense especially in the context of a dual boot system and a
>   user transitioning from Windows to Linux.

But, it is not the prime aim of Mandrake Linux to provide missing
features in a proprietary operating system.

> Is this Windows NT only?
> ------------------------
> This driver presently works for Windows NT 4.0.
> If there is a demand, I could extend it to Windows 2000/XP/2003
>   and Ext3...
> Do you guys out there see any sense in my reasoning?
> Please feel free to comment.
> I would be glad to answer any questions you might have.

Well, the first question I have is, can this software be compiled from
source using only free software available in Mandrake (main + contrib)?
If not, then it can't really be included.

If it is possible to compile it on Windows with cygwin or mingw, then it
may be possible to cross-compile it, but if it requires any MS SDK
(besides the standard win32 headers available in mingw), it is not free

Note that these issues apply to other win32 software, such as the CUPS
native windows postscript driver.

However, it would possibly be interesting to start a project to assemble
all of this software. Oden had proposed something like this. IMHO, it
would be worthwhile providing a "Migration Kit" in commercial boxed
sets, which may include:

- -cups Windows native drivers
- -ext2 fs driver
- -Windows clients for mserver (winmclient)
- -Windows client for hylafax?
- -Cygwin build of rcdrecord
- -Entire Cygwin?
- -Gimp?
- -OpenOffice.org?
- -Dev-C++ + mingw + wxWindows + ???

The problem is that this can get very big very quickly, and if taken too
far distract users from linux to open-source software in Windows.


- --
|--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
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