On Fri 22 Aug 2003 03:30, Manoj Joseph posted as excerpted below:
> Hi,
> > > but I think it belongs
> > > in Contribs.
> >
> > It doesn't make the requirements, it is not free enough (similarly to
> > freedos, which can't be compiled with free software).
> I am new to 'cooker'. I am not sure how things work over here...
> Does this mean that you guys won't touch it?? ;)
> Could someone tell me how decisions are made over here?

Note that I'm just a cooker user/tester, but have been on the list for a bit, 
so weigh my opinion with that perspective..

Yes, that's basically what it means.  It can never make it into the 
downloadable version, tho it could in theory make it into the 
boxed/shipped/paid version (but practically, would have to do XP/2K first, 
and would have to be well tested enough to be something worth being part of 
the paid-for version).  That means this isn't the entry point you are looking 

I had suggested PLF, which does this sort of license encumbered thing, but as 
others pointed out, they distribute rpms.. Linux stuff, not stuff for 
MSWormOS.  Therefore, it isn't likely to get distributed there either.

Perhaps try Suse, or one of the ISV/consultant firms, tho the big ones 
probably aren't interested due to the fact the big jobs they generally deal 
with are probably to big to run the dual boots in which this would be useful.  
A local jobber computer consultant/contractor might be /quite/ interested, 
however.  It might even land you a job with one.  <shrug>

Meanwhile, maintaining it in decent view on sourceforge likely remains  the 
best way to grow interest and users.

That's my honest opinion..

Duncan - List replies preferred.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin

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