> > > Does this mean that you guys won't touch it?? ;)
> > > Could someone tell me how decisions are made over here?
> > 
> > Note that I'm just a cooker user/tester, but have been on the list
> > for a bit, so weigh my opinion with that perspective..
> > 
> > Yes, that's basically what it means.  It can never make it into
> > the downloadable version, tho it could in theory make it into the
> > boxed/shipped/paid version (but practically, would have to do
> > XP/2K first, and would have to be well tested enough to be
> > something worth being part of the paid-for version).  That means
> > this isn't the entry point you are looking for.
> And I still think the argument is not valid. We are already shipping
> windows tools on the CDs which cannot be compiled with free tools
> only.
> We are not debian, and since this belongs on main CD, you are at the
> mercy of the developpers payed by mandrake (people here with a
> mandrakesoft.com email). If one of them says its ok, it can (at some
> future time) be included. If they say no, it cannot.

well, successful free software projects often use dictatorship; the
debian project too as a team that reject things because of lacks of
freedom or stabilizing issue, ...

what a shame that free software world is not so free :-)

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