Hey Manoj:

I have always taken care of this by creating a separate fat32 partition for 
file sharing across the two systems. I then can move the relevant "My Docs" 
(et al) to this "d:" partition easily enough. As long as we are talking about 
a non-journaling filesystem, I can't see much of a *practical" difference 
between this and your proposal. The advantage is that you add no additional 
software and it *will* work.

Bob Finch

On Wednesday 20 August 2003 09:53 am, Michael Lothian wrote:
> Hi
> I've already used this tool in XP (using the compatibility wizard) of
> course it didn't work to wellbut that's microsoft's compatibility wizard
> for you.
> I personally think it would be a great idea to include it on the
> mandrake cd as it makes life easier for people using duel boot. And
> personally I hate using FAT partitions just for transfering files.
> It would  be great if you extended it onto all versions of Windows and
> even more partition formats not just the Ext ones.
> Well that's my 2 pennies worth
> Mike ;-)
> Manoj Joseph wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I have a piece of software that I would like to submit for
> >consideration for inclusion in the Mandrake distribution.
> >I wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I was directed to make a
> >presentation in this forum.
> >
> >The software is an ext2 file system driver for Windows NT 4.0.
> >URL : http://winext2fsd.sourceforge.net
> >
> >What does this software do?
> >---------------------------
> >- This software is a file system driver - for Windows NT
> >- It facilitates access to ext2 partitions from Windows NT by
> >  *any* windows application.
> >- The drive can be accessed just like a native (fat/ntfs)
> >  partition - through the regular windows APIs.
> >- The partitions show up as regular drives - E:, F: etc.
> >- The user does not 'see' the fat and the ext2 partitions as
> >  'different'.
> >- Functionality-wise, this driver is similar to the FAT FS
> >  driver that ships with windows.
> >
> >Note: This is not a user mode program like the ext2 explorer
> >  utilities out there which permit users to copy files to and
> >  from ext2 partitions.
> >
> >Who would need it?
> >------------------
> >- This driver's primary target would be (WinNT+Linux) dual-boot
> >  systems.
> >- *Lots* of home user installations are dual-boot. Very often
> >  WinNT+Linux. Like mine. ;)
> >- Very useful to a Windows NT user who is shifting to Linux...
> >
> >Why include a Windows Utility with Linux??
> >------------------------------------------
> >- I think of this as a 'migration' utility rather than a
> >  _Windows Utility_.
> >- Just as support for fat and ntfs(?) in Linux makes a dual-boot
> >  worth trying, the reverse (support for ext2 in NT) does make
> >  sense especially in the context of a dual boot system and a
> >  user transitioning from Windows to Linux.
> >
> >Is this Windows NT only?
> >------------------------
> >This driver presently works for Windows NT 4.0.
> >If there is a demand, I could extend it to Windows 2000/XP/2003
> >  and Ext3...
> >
> >Do you guys out there see any sense in my reasoning?
> >Please feel free to comment.
> >I would be glad to answer any questions you might have.
> >
> >Thanks a lot for your time!
> >
> >Regards,
> >Manoj

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