On Wed 20 Aug 2003 07:25, Buchan Milne posted as excerpted below:
> Well, the first question I have is, can this software be compiled from
> source using only free software available in Mandrake (main + contrib)?
> If not, then it can't really be included.

What about PLF?  I know they handle quite a bit of stuff that contrib can't, 
due to the licensing requirements.  I don't quite understand all they do and 
where they draw the lines, but Manoj, if you haven't, consider investigating 
PLF, as it may be just the type of place for such a thing.

As for the driver, I see a very practical use for it.  However, one of the 
reasons I'm on Mandrake is because I support their software libre philosophy, 
and the others are correct -- given the situation with the DDK, this doesn't 
belong in the distrib itself.  However, PLF?  Maybe.  I definitely see a 
practical use for the driver, altho again, the others are correct in that 
without 2K/XP support, it remains an interesting sourceforge type project, 
useful for those that need it, but not really practical for a distrib, even 
licensing concerns aside.

That's my opinion, anyway.  As well, the current FAT solution, with remounts 
and symlinks as necessary to integrate it transparently into the Linux fs 
tree, as I mentioned in my other post to the thread, is close enough to an 
equivalent solution practically, and a far cleaner software libre solution 
philosophically, that it'd be preferable here.  Still, I could imagine myself 
using your driver for awhile, as a newbie, precisely for the purpose you 
stated -- as a "migration aid". 

(I should mention that I upgraded directly off of Lose98, as the far lesser of 
two evils as compared to selling my soul to MS with the tradeoffs in privacy 
they demanded with XPrivacy, so the FAT32 solution was native and natural, 
here.  Recently, for the first time in 6 months, I booted MSWormOS, to 
uninstall most of the programs and delete much of the MS-centric OS and 
programming data and etc. I'd accumulated over the decade I "did windows", 
then shrunk the partition, leaving it there directly bootable on its own 
disk, should Cooker crash on me and I need a way to d/l a workable Linux 
install, again, or should I need to test a bug in hardware vs. drivers.  
Thus, it's finally relegated to a role very similar to monitor/rescue mode on 
my router, and my old DSL modem, in obscurity waiting in case the REAL OS 
dies, somehow, beyond easy direct resurrection...   If I upgrade to a dual 
Athlon-64 solution as I'd LIKE to, later this year or early next, I'll 
probably then delete the last vestiges of the proprietary-ware that was my 
first and ten year computer home, NEVER to return..  As it is said.. "When I 
was a child, I thought as a child, but when I became a man, I put away 
childish things."  (Paul))

Duncan - List replies preferred.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin

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