On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 09:10:51AM +0100, Emmanuel wrote:
> Hi all,
> Quick question for all of you guys: will Mandrakesoft release 9.2 even 
> if it is not ready??? i.e. is Mandrakesoft desperate to get a version 
> out before the end of Septembre or is there any chance for a RC3 ?? i.e. 
> does management or development rule Mandrakesoft???

Based on past experience, 9.2 will be released on schedule on 20th of
September even when it doesn't install for some people who have reported
serious issues for their particular hardware. I suppose this is a company's
way of making compromises :-(

> I'm wondering because the end of the month is only 2+ weeks away and 
> only 3 of the bugs I reported have been fixed (some major showstoppers 
> have not and no-one seems to be wanting more info). Furthermore, 
> everybody knows that OpenOffice 1.1 is only 2-3 weeks away, it would be 
> a real shame to ship 9.2 with 1.1RCx and then get users to download 
> 100Mb+ of software to get the final version (I can't see any major 
> corporation willing to do that - out of the box is very important)

openoffice 1.1 will be in 9.2, whether it's rc3/rc4 or final depends on how
soon they are released.

Probably there will be lots of "security" updates and bugfixes announced in
the first 2-3 months after the release of 9.2. Which is probably better than
not providing them at all ;-)

Anyway, I share your concerns, but they are/will be ignored completely by
the Mandrake development process. Despite this, positive reviews of mandrake
keep coming and customers seem to be satisfied (in general, AFAIK). If you
cannot stand this way of working, use Red Hat, Suse, or even Debian. They
have slightly less bleeding edge releases ;-)



PS, if I sound cynical, I am! But Mandrake still rules the desktop for me.
I've learnt to live with all the cuts and bruises Mandrake's products cause
me, but look at all my cool scars! 

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