On Wed 10 Sep 2003 07:33, Felix Miata posted as excerpted below:
> The best setting is none at all, or else font-family: sans-serif;.

No kidding!  The same applies to colors, of course.  Some people prefer light 
on dark, while most web sites seem to default to dark on light.  The worst 
problem is when a site sets bgcolor but not text color, or the reverse, 
making an assumption about user color setting that may not be true, and 
causing some folks to get white text on white background (or black on black, 
for the reverse).  If one IS going to set one of the two, one should set 

It's mainly for the color thing that I'm running a personal web proxy, the 
contribs package privoxy.  I have it set up with quite a list of 
s/bgcolor=f.f.f.// s/bgcolor=e.e.e./bgcolor=111111/ s/text=0.0.0.// 
s/text=1.1.1./text=eeeeee/ etc.  (Of course the actual substitutions are a 
bit more complex than that, but you get the idea.)

OTOH, the only font thing I've come across that I had to substitute for was 
s+ms sans serif(,?)+m\$ sans serif($1)+isg (which disables it, but leaves the 
telltale m$ version there so I can see the filter activated, if there are 

Finally, it's worth mentioning that an earlier version of Konqueror would 
crash on the &raquo sequence if used in a title.  Well, not crash, exactly, 
but make KDE (not just Konqueror) entirely unresponsive to input.  One could 
use the kernel's MagicSRQ keys to invoke raw keyboard, then switch to another 
VC, from which KDE could be terminated and reinvoked, but that was about it.  
Thus, I inserted a substitute for that using > > instead, which worked 
fine.  (I've been going to check on it again and bug report if necessary, but 
I'm a bit behind on updates right now..)

I started using personal web proxies with the Proxomitron on MSWormOS, and for 
a time felt lost browsing the web on Linux w/o it.  I tried several, but when 
that contrib package of privoxy arrived, it was just what I needed!  Browsing 
is a much better experience when it's done on my terms, thanks to a personal 
web proxy set up to rewrite IMO stupid page designs into something a bit more 
personally tolerable.

Duncan - List replies preferred.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin

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