On Sun, 18 Jun 2000, you wrote:
> Graham Percival wrote:
> > Really?  I've never had problems installing crypto RPMs on my
> > masq'ed internal network.  Maybe you configured your NAT / firewall
> > incorrectly.
> Same problem even with the gateway machine firewall taken down
> (except for masquerading).
> Error box is:
> An error occurred
> Net::FTP: Bad peer adddress ...propagated.
> The install then loops around repeatedly trying the crypto
> download.   I have to hit a lower star to recover.
> This occurs on any choice of mirror, and is quite uninformative to me
> on what the error was and what needs to be done to fix it.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Ron. [AU] - sent by Mandrake Linux.

To  suggest a possible reason....

Active vs passive ftp--I think the install is using Active FTP port commands
at that point..  I have experienced the same when behind a masquerading
firewall.  And I don't use anything beyond the three-line masquerade for my
firewalling  (plus a few recognition-and-response daemons of my own devising,
which I had turned off),


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