On Friday 26 September 2003 18:28, Vincent Danen wrote:
> On Fri Sep 26, 2003 at 03:29:28AM -0400, Brook Humphrey wrote:
> > > Heck, I'm all for it and agree with all your reasons.  But the
> > > example is a touch out... wu-ftpd hasn't been in main since 8.2
> > > (last version it shipped in main).
> > >
> > > Hey, while we're at it, can we throw sendmail in contribs?  =)
> > >
> > > (Serious about killing wu-ftpd altogether, semi-serious about
> > > sendmail)
> >
> > I'm with you vincent sendmail is well it's. I wont say it would not
> > be nice but I would not mind seeing it go. Postfix is more than
> > good enough to take it's place for those that choose it as are many
> > other options out there.
> Well, let's put it this way.  For about 2 years now I've wanted
> sendmail in contribs and if we really needed another MTA alternative
> to postfix, I have very nice exim packages on rpmhelp.net and exim is
> a really nice MTA.
> Not that this is a plug to put exim in main (doesn't matter to me...
> it's available via rpmhelp.net), but a definite looking forward to
> not having sendmail in main anymore.

can you put exim in contribs at least ?

this will be easier to find it . Dispertion of rpm is not good, this 
force people to search too much and this gives them bad habits ( 
downloading semi official rpm ).
Putting it in contribs will allow it to be tested by more people, and 
integrated to cooker.

And, we will also be able to integrate some tools ( spamassassin, amavis
 ) more closely with exim.


Michaël Scherer

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