On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 16:02 pm, Vincent Danen wrote:
Hi Vincent.

Sorry to intrude on this conv....but I would use Exim if it was available as a 
package - upto now I have to compile if from source and install it....

> On Sat Sep 27, 2003 at 12:26:16PM +0200, Michael Scherer wrote:
> > > > can you put exim in contribs at least ?
> > >
> > > There's never been an interest before.  I've been maintining exim
> > > packages for about 1.5-2 years now, and I never even knew anyone was
> > > interested. IIRC, I had asked about putting it in contribs when I
> > > first built the package (since it wasn't wanted in main) and the
> > > answer I got then was two MTAs were enough.  Never bothered since.
> >
> > sorry, i was not here at this time. I should have search the archives
> > before asking.
> It was a long time ago, and wasn't discussed on the list, but internally.
> You likely wouldn't have found anything even if you had searched.
> > > If someone wants to put it in contribs, that's fine.  I'll still
> > > maintain it on rpmhelp.net because, right now, you can grab exim for
> > > 9.0-9.2, and instead of maintaining for "cooker" I maintain for
> > > stable releases.
> >
> > do you think it is some much troubles to maintain it in contribs ? I
> > mean, this is just rebuilding it in a cooker environnement. And it
> > doesn't prevent you to rebuild in 9.0-9.2
> No, it isn't too much trouble.  But, I'm lazy, I have my build systems
> here, and I don't have to worry about ssh'ing to paris on a slow link.  =) 
> That's my primary motivation to keep it here.
> > > > this will be easier to find it . Dispertion of rpm is not good,
> > > > this force people to search too much and this gives them bad habits
> > > > ( downloading semi official rpm ).
> > > > Putting it in contribs will allow it to be tested by more people,
> > > > and integrated to cooker.
> > >
> > > I disagree.  PLF doesn't have a problem with people using their
> > > packages.
> >
> > yes, but plf is bigger than rpmhelp.
> So?  What does that have to do with anything?
> > if you take a look at easy urpmi, you will see that a lot of repositorie
> > exist, some of them providing rpms already in contribs, and this is not
> > easy to keep track of who do what. And i am pretty sure that plf would
> > not exist if we were able to put the package in contribs.
> Sure, and by the same reasoning there is a place for rpmhelp.net.  Due to
> licensing problems, we can't put qmail in contribs, and that's what has
> made rpmhelp.net useful and "known" to people.  qmail has only been
> provided via rpmhelp.net and, let me tell you, that has made it well-enough
> known for those that require it.
> > > IIRC, if you were to search in Club's rpm database or
> > > rpm2html listing or whatever it is, you'll find exim listed under
> > > rpmhelp.net.
> >
> > yes, but, i think we should not encourage people to search rpm on a
> > website. urpmq and rpmdrake are here for this reason. How can people
> > choose between your great package, checked with rpmlint, and others
> > packagers made by alien ?
> I never said we should encourage them to do so, and at the same token, they
> can use urpmq and rpmdrake once they setup the rpmhelp.net sources.  It's
> not that difficult... there used to be a djbsupport package in contribs
> that would setup the source for you.. I removed it because setting up a
> source is *soooo* easy.
> > > Are you saying that everything on rpmhelp.net, PLF, Texstar's stuf,
> > > etc. should go in contribs?
> >
> > yes, and no. Texstar is building backport. Plf is for stuff that cannot
> > go in contribs. I think that a repository than can be put in contribs
> > should be in contribs , in order to not have the apt-get.org dispertion
> > effect.
> rpmhelp.net can't go in contribs.  qmail can't go in, so all of the things
> that depend on it (a large number of packages) also can't go in.  The other
> stuff there (like exim, etc.) are either backports of stuff I personally
> find useful for my CS2.1 servers or things people ask me to put in.  By
> your own argument, rpmhelp.net cannot go in contribs, so why are we having
> this discussion?  =)
> > > I think separate rpm repositories that specialize in certain things
> > > is good.
> >
> > It depends on what is the specialisation. But, even if exim is put in
> > contribs, nothing stop you to provides backport for people who want it.
> > In fact,  more and more people are interested in providing backport ,
> > so, there is a place for a global repository offering sane backport.
> > But, having it in contribs will give more visibility. And, this is the
> > first step toward inclusion in main.
> Of course nothing stops me; it just takes more time.  I'm also not
> desperate to get exim in main.  If it goes in, great, it's because it's a
> great MTA. It's not because I've been lobbying to get it put in.  Exim
> doesn't *need* to be in main.  I don't feel it needs to be there and, until
> sendmail is put in contribs, it won't be there.  You try and get sendmail
> in contribs first... when that happens, I'll put exim in contribs as well
> and then those interested can work towards getting it put into main as an
> alternative.
> > > > And, we will also be able to integrate some tools ( spamassassin,
> > > > amavis ) more closely with exim.
> > >
> > > There really is nothing stopping you from doing that now.  It doesn't
> > > need to be in contribs for that.
> >
> > if someone do a spamassassin-exim package, this person cannot put it in
> > contribs, since it has a unresolved dependancy ( exim ). A package in
> > contribs can only depend on main and contrib.
> Sure.  But someone can make that same package and send it my way and it
> will go into rpmhelp.net.  =)  Besides, I build exim with the sa plugin, so
> spamassassin should just "work" (never tried, but that is my understanding
> of it).
> > now, i fully undestand that you may have too much work to maintains exim
> > in 2 places.
> Now you've hit the nail right on the head.  =)
> Besides, how many people would want to use exim?  I've *never* heard anyone
> request using it before, and in fact I only know of one other person who
> uses my packages.  If something is going to go into contribs, I think
> people should be interested in using it first.  I'm not going to put it in
> contribs if no one wants to use it.

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