
Recently there were some articles on Slashdot
proposing alternative boot procedures. Most of them
advocate parallelizing of SysV-init tasks. Motivated
by these I've decided to make a detailed analysis of
boot procedure and see how can I make it faster.

I have an oldish PC that can run most modern software
fast enough. This is a vanilla Mdk 9.2 install and I
use the auto-login feature with KDE. Complete time
from pressing enter in lilo to a usable desktop is
exactly 81 seconds. On this same computer Win98 is
usable in around 35 seconds (I did some tweaking

Here is a detailed account of the boot procedure. I
made it using logs and a stopwatch. It should clearly
point the likely targets for optimization.

kernel loading into memory      ~2s
screen is blank         ~2s
kernel boots, mounts initrd, performs various
configuration tasks     ~5s
rc.sysinit kicks in, some config tasks  ~1s
running devfsd          3s
unmounting initrd, applying sysctl.conf         1s
setting up date & time, loading keymap, setting
hostname        ~1s
starting USB service**          *9s
fsck    1s
root is remounted rw, run swapon        <1s
execute depmod -A       4s
a bunch of config tasks are completed   4s
run mandrake_everytime service          3s
switching to runlevel 5         <1s
harddrake service looks for new hardware and saves
configuration   4s
services: network, portmap      2s
services: syslog, partmon, nfslock, sound, random       3s
xfs     *1s
netfs   <1s
apmd    *2s
dm service goes to background, screen goes blank        1s
services: atd, tmdns, rawdevices; kdm_config is being
read    1s
xinetd; screen still blank      4s
cups; blue screen with a cursor is shown        8s
services: keytable, numlock, internet   1s
crond   1s
kheader         <1s
devfsd actions          1s
service "local" sets the console screens        <1s
KDE is starting up (splash screen)***   23s
KDE session is restored         5s

* proces is just spawned to the background; these
figures should not be included when summarizing
** I have a USB scanner so it is detected and the
appropriate config tool (scannerdrake) is started
*** at ~11th second scannerdrake is run for the second

total: 81 seconds

Some conclusions:
- Overall time to boot a minimal usable console is 27
seconds which is IMHO too much. The biggest problem is
kernel. Unfortunately there seems to be no tool that
can show a log of kernel activities with times (please
correct me), but it seems that most of the time was
spent initializing my two hard disks (more than a
second each). A recompile should solve remaining
- Why is devfsd taking so long?
- Do we need to run depmod if no new modules are
installed (many ways to check)?
- Sysv is already mostly parallelized. It takes 26
seconds which is better than I expected. Actually, as
I understand, on this single-cpu machine the overhead
of context switching is so high that xinetd and cups
would probably start faster if they were not
parallelized with X.
- Idea: sshd is the only service that uses xinetd.
Standalone sshd would probably boot faster? This
computer connects to the Internet using a modem, I
don't even own a network card. Therefore I probably
don't need sshd at all. 
- While I'm at it, I also don't need netfs, nfslock
(thus portmap) or tmdns. Isn't it possible to disable
these services if no NIC is detected during
installation? Also since this is a desktop pc i don't
need apmd. Can't this also be detected?
- I just can't understand why kde takes so long to
start!??!? Unfortunately, gnome isn't much better. The
"loading session" part in kde can be accellerated by
disabling KOrganizer (if someone wants to use it,
he/she can find it in the menus)
- Idea: postpone cups and scannerdrake startup for 60
seconds to give desktop a chance to start and avoid
unnecessary context switching. It's very unlikely that
someone would like to print or scan something in the
first 60 seconds? The same trick could be used for
crond and atd I believe.

What do you think? Should I apply these optimizations
to my Pc? will anything burn up (except the lg cd-rom)

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