I've just installed 708 on my Mandrake 7.1 box.  I thought XKill wasn't
working, but then I noticed that kdesu was running in the taskbar area
(shame they've killed off tasbar).  Shortly after that, the cursor changed
to the killer - so it does work if you'e patient.

You need to do a couple of things: 
`chmod u+s /opt/kde2/bin/konsole_grantpty' and 
`chmod u+s /opt/kde2/bin/kppp'

Before installation, I would (from a console) ...
        mv ~/Desktop ~/Desktop1
        mv ~/.kde ~/.kde1
        cp -R ~/Desktop1 ~/Desktop2
        co -R ~/.kde1 ~/.kde2
        ln -s ~/Desktop1 ~/Desktop
        ln -s ~/.kde1 ~/.kde
so your Desktop and .kde are now symbolic links, allowing you to have
separate ones for running kde1 or kde2.  If something screws up, you have
a fallback too.  I include again the previously-posted scripts I use. 
Hope this helps ...

# /opt/kde2/bin/kde1

export KDE2DIR=/opt/kde2
export KDEDIR=/opt/kde
export QTDIR=/usr/local/qt
export X11HOME=/usr/X11R6

# If $KDE2DIR/bin is already in PATH, remove it ... otherwise each
# invocation adds to the PATH.  The "$HOME" is needed to ensure that
# the caller has write permissions.
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $KDE2DIR/bin: && echo $PATH>$HOME/tmp.$$ && \
cut -d: -f2- $HOME/tmp.$$>$HOME/tmp1.$$ && export PATH=`cat $HOME/tmp1.$$` && \
rm -f $HOME/tmp.$$ && rm -f $HOME/tmp1.$$

# If $KDEDIR/bin is already in PATH, remove it ... otherwise each
# invocation adds to the PATH
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $KDEDIR/bin: && echo $PATH>$HOME/tmp.$$ && \
cut -d: -f2- $HOME/tmp.$$>$HOME/tmp1.$$ && export PATH=`cat $HOME/tmp1.$$` && \
rm -f $HOME/tmp.$$ && rm -f $HOME/tmp1.$$

# Now we can add the current KDEDIR ...
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $KDEDIR/bin || export PATH=$KDEDIR/bin:$PATH export
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $X11HOME/bin || export PATH=$PATH:$X11HOME/bin
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q /usr/games || export PATH=$PATH:/usr/games
export MANPATH=$KDEDIR/man:$QTDIR/man:/usr/man:\


export KDE1DIR=/opt/kde
export KDEDIR=/opt/kde2 
export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt2
export X11HOME=/usr/X11R6

# If $KDE1DIR/bin is already in PATH, remove it ... otherwise each
# invocation adds to the PATH.  The "$HOME" is needed to ensure that
# the caller has write permissions.
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $KDE1DIR/bin: && echo $PATH>$HOME/tmp.$$ && \
cut -d: -f2- $HOME/tmp.$$>$HOME/tmp1.$$ && export PATH=`cat $HOME/tmp1.$$` && \
rm -f $HOME/tmp.$$ && rm -f $HOME/tmp1.$$

# If $KDEDIR/bin is already in PATH, remove it ... otherwise each
# invocation adds to the PATH
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $KDEDIR/bin: && echo $PATH>$HOME/tmp.$$ && \
cut -d: -f2- $HOME/tmp.$$>$HOME/tmp1.$$ && export PATH=`cat $HOME/tmp1.$$` && \
rm -f $HOME/tmp.$$ && rm -f $HOME/tmp1.$$

# Now we can add the current KDEDIR ...
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $KDEDIR/bin || export PATH=$KDEDIR/bin:$PATH 
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $X11HOME/bin || export PATH=$PATH:$X11HOME/bin
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q /usr/games || export PATH=$PATH:/usr/games
export MANPATH=$KDEDIR/man:$QTDIR/man:/usr/man:\

# /etc/X11/window-managers
DESC=The fabulous desktop
DESC=The fabulous desktop - Pre-alpha release
<snip>  ------- etc, etc, ------------- <snip> 

# /usr/local/bin/startkde1
# set .kde and Desktop
/bin/rm -f ~/.kde
/bin/ln -s ~/.kde1 ~/.kde
/bin/rm -f ~/Desktop
/bin/ln -s ~/Desktop1 ~/Desktop

# set QT and KDE environment variables
source /opt/kde2/bin/kde1

exec /opt/kde/bin/startkde

# /usr/local/bin/startkde2
# set .kde and Desktop
/bin/rm -f ~/.kde
/bin/ln -s ~/.kde2 ~/.kde
/bin/rm -f ~/Desktop
/bin/ln -s ~/Desktop2 ~/Desktop

# set QT and KDE environment variables
source /opt/kde2/bin/kde2

exec /opt/kde2/bin/startkde

# /etc/profile
# (c) MandrakeSoft, Chmouel Boudjnah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

# System wide environment and startup programs
# Functions and aliases go in /etc/bashrc
<snip>  ------- etc, etc, ------------- <snip> 
# Set PATH
if [ "$UID" = "0" ]; then
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $HOME/bin || export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin 
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q $X11HOME/bin || export PATH=$PATH:$X11HOME/bin 
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q /usr/local/bin || export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
echo $PATH|/bin/grep -q /usr/games || export PATH=$PATH:/usr/games
<snip>  ------- etc, etc, ------------- <snip>

# .bashrc
# Chmouel Boudjnah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

# User specific aliases and functions
<snip>  ------- etc, etc, ------------- <snip>

# Reapply environment lost somewhere between /usr/local/startkde1|2
# and kde actually running
if [[ "$QTDIR" == "/usr/lib/qt2" ]]; then source /opt/kde2/bin/kde2; fi
if [[ "$QTDIR" == "/usr/local/qt" ]]; then source /opt/kde2/bin/kde1; fi

On Mon, 10 Jul 2000, Alex Boag-Munroe wrote:
--- snip ---
> 1.  I cannot run simple things like XKill.  Just says it can't run it.  If I
> type it in at the command prompt, it works fine.  Likewise with Drakconf.
> ???
> 2.  kdesu doesn't kick in.  If something requiring root is run, it just
> complains that it can't run it.
> 3.  After a couple of logins, not only do I have the KDE 2 menu items on the
> K Menu (Start menu type thing, u know), but all my KDE 1 menu items appear
> too.  And yes, u guessed it, I can't run any of them.
> 4.  When I install KDE1and2scripts, it makes the relevant changes to the
> windowmanagers file, but the changes do not appear on the menu at the login
> screen UNTIL I add them in using the login manager.
> And last, but not least
> 5.  After a program error, or hang, and I restart X, all the desktop icons
> disappear.  Only after I delete the .kde2 folder from my home dir can I get
> them back.  Oh, yeah, one last thing.  Some sites look weird under
--- snip ---

 Peter Ruskin          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Wrexham, UK          KDE - the professionals' choice

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