Submitted 30-Aug-00 by Bryan Paxton:

> I also propose this big one. 
> Completely split up the distro. 
> inux-mandrake is aimed at desktop users right ?
> So why on earth would an end-user need to run an MTA, httpd, name server, 
> etc..... ?

Lets see, some mail clients (like mutt) require an MTA in order to be able
to send mail.  Apache can be used as a staging server (limited to connects
from for testing sites before deployment, name servers can be run
as caching only servers to reduce lookup times.

> I propose having different downloads/cds.

> Linux-Mandrake: Desktop
> Linux-Mandrake: Server
> And so on......... 

But then you have the middle ground users who require some servers for their
desktop work (as shown above).  This scheme whould require a
Frankenstein-like hybrid for those poor souls :p  (Though it wouldn't be
nearly as bad as the person who starts replacing key system components with
similar ones from another distro.)

Anton Graham                            GPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 RSA key available upon request
"Truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction has to make sense."

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