On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 08:09:42PM +0400, Vadim Plessky wrote:
> I would like to have option of TRUE HOME INSTALL for Mandrake LINUX.

Sorry, I don't get what you mean by true home install, or to be more
precise, I seem to have a different understanding of a true home install.

> Under this, I mean:
> -no development tolls/compilers/headers

Install no devel packages and you'll have this.

> -no X-utilities (xbill, xcreensaver, xclock, etc.)

Huh?  Why should a home install have no games, screensavers or clocks? 
What's the purpose of this?

> -selection of one or several windows managers
>   with selection of sub-packages to install (like: Install KDE2, but do not 
> install kdetoys, kdepim)

Again, why no "toys" and no PIM?  PIM is important, at least for me.

> -no command-line utilities 

Then the whole system wouldn't run.  And command-line utilities are often
way more flexible than these GUI programs.

> -Wine/DosEmu as options (with simple dialog box, like: Would you like to 
> install DOS support? You will need it to run native DOS programs)

Wine/DosEmu is something *I* could spare very well.

> -of course, no default installation of Netscape. I don't want to clean it up 
> after install manually

So no browser at all?  I really disagree with you on that.  Sure, Netscape
ain't the best browser available, but it's still better than the other
browsers available for Linux.  Mozilla is very promising, but for daily use
it's too slow (for me).

> -Libraries
>  I still rather new to Linux, and don't know which libraries I can delete 
> without affecting system (just : libc /5MB/ or glibc /27MB/ are used by the 
> system? At least one of them, I guess, can be deleted) 

Well, try rpm -e libc glibc and see what's more needed :-)  Hint: It's
glibc, so you may very well delete libc5.

For me a TRUE HOME INSTALL would include something like needed command line
utilites (wget, ncftp, perl, editors (vi, joe, ....), shell (bash) :-]),
gnome, possibly KDE, some WM with one to choose from, roxen (because it's
smaller and would still be good enough for the static sides most home users
may create), NO telnet/ssh, etc.pp.

Alexander Skwar
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