> For sure, JavaScript is good for text processing. JavaScript was
> created as answer to Microsoft's VBScript, derivative of Visual
> Basic. And Basic is very strong in strings manipulations.

Unless it has changed, VB and JScript both are weak in string manipulation
compared to Perl (at least, they were lacking decent regular expressions and
such last time I played with either).  Large amounts of substr's (which is
what most vbscript string-manipulation code I've seen is) can be replaced
with 1 simple regex.  Regardless, I doubt you're going to get them to change
anytime soon, with all of the work that has been put into the installer and
utilities thus far.

> As far as I know, all scripts for Active Server Pages are written
> in VBScript.

Unless they're written in PerlScript.  :)  http://www.activestate.com/

.ASP files are language-agnostic, they use Windows Scripting Host, which
comes with JScript and VBScript by default.

Regardless, I'm veering way off topic.  On an on-topic note, I did a network
install of cooker yesterday and all went fine, my SCSI driver problems were
fixed.  Unfortunately, XFree86 went a little funky and screwed up my
hardware cursor and such (Voodoo3500, 1600x1200), I see that those packages
have been updated since I did my install.  I may try another install tonight
and see how it goes.

Fight the InterNIC!  http://www.opennic.unrated.net/

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