Zeljko Vukman a écrit :
> This is not true. I have reported several times that Kde2 beta4 deletes all
> windows-managers (not only sawfish or gnome) from gdm or kdm.
> After installing Kde2 you can't log in any other windows-manager than
> kde2.
No problem here with gnome, even if with KDE 1.93 installed. Apart then
fact i can't choose between kdm and gdm.

I rather suspect a session-management problem, due to switch from
/etc/X11/windows-manager to /etc/X11/wmsession.d/ : i had encoutered the
same problem, and was also very suprised not to have any X error
message. Check U got the latest xinitrc and mandrake_desk packages.
On the same subject, are all windows-managers now compliant to this
system ? I can't remember to have seen recent enlihgtenment package, for
example ...

> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gary Lawrence Murphy) writes:
> >
> > > I am not certain what has gone wrong here: I upgraded to KDE 1.9x and
> > > the gnome-*-1.2 rpms, and also added librep, rep-gtk and the sawfish
> > > files and have since upgraded to XFree86 4.0 (all from 7.2b), but now
> > > my gnome desktop refuses to load (from either kdm or gdm) and KDE will
> > > not configure most applications. (both KDE and Gnome are using fresh
> > > user config files) If I start in Failsafe with an xterm window and
> > > start sawfish from the command line, the screen is blank. (no panels or
> > > desktop icons)
> >
> > Strange, nobody has reported such behaviour..
> >
> > Try to upgrade ORBit, gtk+, XFree86 4.0.1 (which is much more stable
> > than XFree86 4.0)..

Guillaume Rousse
Iremia - Université de la Réunion

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