Also sprach Stefan van der Eijk :
> My next question is: Should ApacheJserv be in cooker if it's dependant
> on a package that's not in cooker (for a reason --> licensing)? Why not
> distribute ApacheJserv on the 2nd Application CD? Or are there other
> JVM's available which can be put on the cooker CD (licencing). Can't
> this be done with kaffe or jikes? I'm not into all this java stuff, just
> wondering...
I didn't tried kaffee, but it should work with JServ, as it is a
Java1-compliant jvm. Jikes is just a java compiler, and is not
If fact, JServ should not requires a jdk (java development kit), but a
jre (java runtime environnement). So the requirement tag for it should
be changed, and kaffe should provides this.

Guillaume Rousse

Murphy's law : If anything can go wrong, it will.
O'Tool's commentary : Murphy was an optimist.

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