No, you should NOT stay polite. This idiot seems to think that all of the
time and effort that you and the others have spent on Mandrake 7.2 is for
naught, and that it's all bunk.

Would he (she? Highly doubtfull...) look at the part that reads "beta", or
at the other part that reads "WARNING! Cooker is an experimental
distribution, it's not for daily use! The purpose of Cooker is to debug it,
so it's sure that some things are broken in it: use it carefully!", he'd
know that his words only bely his ignorance.

I guess the only thing you can do is to melt down the rubbish and see what
it all means when all the refuse is removed.

I have done this and think it means:

7.2 will need to allow the user to choose whether or not to use the
framebuffer, or be smarter in its use of the framebuffer settings on the
video cards, because not all video cards can use it.

Also, he babbles on about KDELIBS being frozen, but Mandrake has added new
RPMS that "wouldn't get past the RPM query hook". I don't know what to say
about this one -- he may have a valid point. What's up with all of the KDE2
additions? Are there little minor configuration changes being done, which
require new RPMS to be built? I know that I've run into a road block with
KDE2 -- it no longer works on my stock 7.2b3 + all cooker updates from
today. artsd has some kind of broken library or something... who knows. I'm
hoping that when cooker gets updated again on rpmfind, I'll be able to run
it again....

Anyways, have a great day.

Code on!
-Steven Hatfield

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 1:51 PM
> Subject: Re: [Cooker] Beta???
> root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Gee and how would a newbie know that (I did) but aren't we
> trying to get new
> > users any more? This beta3 is a flop! and shouldn't have a link on the
> > site. Since any new user seeing the LATEST
> beta would give
> > it a try....What a sad experiience that would be. for example over the
> > weekend change-log added 22 FROZEN! kdelib rpms that wouldn't
> get past the
> > rpm query hook? What are we trying for in the new beta3 it
> appears to act and
> > sound more like wintendo everyday! what happened, a new philosophy at
> > mandrake? Is this version intended for the euopean and 3rd
> world countries or
> > what.?
> wow, wanna fight it seems! i particularly like the ``intended for
> the euopean
> and 3rd world countries'' ... should i stay polite?

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