Hey Mikey,

Isn't it time to respect the people working on this distribution? Wether
they are from the (oh so great?) US-of-A, some (prehistoric?) place
called Europe, (rice eating?) Asia or (GNU chasing?) Africa? Maybe some
of them even have purple hair (you don't want to see my hair, but that's
a different story). What's the difference? These people work long hours
on this product & I don't think they deserve to be treated this way. If
you don't like the way Mandrake does it's thing, maybe it's time to go
help IBM...


>      this remark was not made foolishly, but thank you for disagreeing with me
> and then agreeing with me, you have hope. If we can't take each other views
> here in cooker, how well will hold up under real perusal. Question: Why is IBM
> pumping 100's of millions of US dollars into french Linux application
> developement while they continue to silently compose an IBM Linux? I have most
> of the major distrubutions of linux, plus I read!
> mikey

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