Pixel wrote:

> root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Gee and how would a newbie know that (I did) but aren't we trying to get new
> > users any more? This beta3 is a flop! and shouldn't have a link on the
> > linux-mandrake.com site. Since any new user seeing the LATEST beta would give
> > it a try....What a sad experiience that would be. for example over the
> > weekend change-log added 22 FROZEN! kdelib rpms that wouldn't get past the
> > rpm query hook? What are we trying for in the new beta3 it appears to act and
> > sound more like wintendo everyday! what happened, a new philosophy at
> > mandrake? Is this version intended for the euopean and 3rd world countries or
> > what.?
> wow, wanna fight it seems! i particularly like the ``intended for the euopean
> and 3rd world countries'' ... should i stay polite?

No, Sir. Not trying to fight just wondering why mandrake puts its dirty laundry on
the cloths-line. Keep it as a developement version, certainly not a link to
download the .iso's for beta3 on the home site...Geez! what are they really after,
getting more and more geeks to write their NEW release!

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