Leon Brooks [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] writes:
>> John Richard Smith wrote:
>> Much as I like to hear all the news,and much as I am 
>> interested to hear about MD7.2 developement I cannot
>> handle 185 e-mails a day.
> Send them to a different mailbox (your Outlook Express can do 
> this, but I don't do Windows at all now and don't remember
> the exact commands), and read them when you're ready.

Heck, I'm doing this already, and it's still a whole lot of *@&#$
that I'm not interested in.

Please!  Split the list up into platform specific groups.  All
I really care about is Sparc development, and I know for a fact
that there are others out there who have the same attitude as
I do.

I'm trying to keep it somewhat sane, but Outlook doesn't offer
a rule like:
 "Move all from [cooker] with 'sparc' to <cooker> ELSE delete"

If it did, you wouldn't be reading this message.

And having multiple rules doesn't seem to work either.  I've
got them installed, yet i still see tons of emails.


If only I could get my network interface to work on my Sparc,
i might be able to run postfix and procmail.  That would
definately sort out the mailing list..


I'm just grouchy because i'm in the middle of moving.

Thanks all!

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