On Tue, Oct 03, 2000 at 04:48:07PM -0800, Leif Sawyer wrote:
> I'm trying to keep it somewhat sane, but Outlook doesn't offer
> a rule like:
>  "Move all from [cooker] with 'sparc' to <cooker> ELSE delete"

One word Eudora.
I'd rather use mutt and procmail but if I have to use Windows I'd rather use


"EXTREMELY SERIOUS WARNING: Unless you are as smart as
Johann Karl Friedrich Gauss, savvy as a half-blind Calcutta
bootblack, tough as General William Tecumseh Sherman, rich
as the Queen of England, emotionally resilient as a Red Sox
fan, and as generally able to take care of yourself as the
average nuclear missile submarine commander, you should
have never been allowed near this document.  Please dispose
of it as you would any piece of high-level radioactive waste
and then arrange with a qualified surgeon to amputate your
arms at the elbows and gouge your eyes from their sockets"
- Neal Stephenson, Crytonomicon

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