What follows is a dissapointing conversation I had with a friend who 
purchased 7.2 at Wal-Mart today. Yes 7.2, yes today not next week.

I know it's long, but well worth a read if you are considering buying it 
rather than downloading. And of course the moral's behind putting non stable 
on shelves at wal-mart, I mean even MS doesn't blatenly put RC product on 
shelves, they at least claim it's finished.

Pay extra attention to the VERSION differences and packages such as KDE2 or 
should I say 1.99. There were ton's of bugs in the 1.99 code, stupid stuff 
with desktop icons and such, that will confuse the hell out of average 
windows users, and now you just put it in 2500+ stores. So everyone all over 
America thinks Mandrake puts out unfinished wares.

This is an licq conversation from history.

 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 18:24:36 2000 [D---]

Matt just told me he unpacked Mandrake 7.2 and put it on the shelf at 
Wal-Mart for $25 - they next day aired a shipment to all the Wal-Marts ;)

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 18:25:02 2000 [D---]

no shit?

hmmmmm....maybe I'll give Mandrake a little extra support and go buy a copy

 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 18:25:48 2000 [D---]

I am torn myself- on one hand I want to support them on the other hand I want 
to allow other people the opportunity to get their hand on it and try it.

 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 18:27:12 2000 [D---]

I made iso's by the way ;)

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 18:57:05 2000 [D---]

yeah I got the nmo-devel stuff

I just bought a copy of Mandrake too

 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 19:10:20 2000 [----]

hehe, I know why you are down then eh?! hehe I'm gonna go check it out.

 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 19:49:23 2000 [----]

I'd be interested in checking those CD's you have against some of the shit I 
know changed after the 7.2 dirs showed up. I bet I have newer versions of 
Mandrake update, grpmi, some kde shit, and linuxconf.
I just cant imagine they could make 4 box sets for every wal-mart in 1 day 
and get them shipped out. That's about 10000 CD's in a day.

Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 22:47:08 2000 [D---]

don't bother with that Wal-Mart version of Mandrake...it sucks ass...the 
fucking install program won't let you do anything other than sit back and 
watch it fuck everything up

Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:05:27 2000 [D---]

even if you type expert?

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:05:44 2000 [D---]


I'm slightly pissed right now

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:05:52 2000 [D---]

and quite disappointed

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:10:28 2000 [D---]

the retail package has a few positives but they are far outweighed by the 

 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:10:56 2000 [D---]

damn - it's too bad it's at all different.

 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:11:13 2000 [D---]

I mean as far as the install procedure goes anyhow.

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:11:25 2000 [D---]

yeah it is...I'm wondering if it isn't a package aimed at a newbie though

 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:12:03 2000 [D---]

I'm sure it is - but damn - what's up with expert install?

 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:13:20 2000 [D---]

did it not let you manage which packages were installed?

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:13:26 2000 [D---]

I have no idea

it's nice having a star office rpm and a JRE rpm but still...I think it 
grubbed me and gentoo isn't included 

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:13:59 2000 [D---]

I had three choices:  basic, recommended and custom

custom was about as custom as choosing paper or plastic

 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:15:59 2000 [D---]

That's dissapointing - almost like they wouldn't want an expert to buy their 
shit, but to download it. and if that's the case what about those of us (like 
yourself) that don't have a t1 at your house?

That is really disappointing. :(

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:17:00 2000 [D---]

yeah it is

my thoughts exactly...granted they have other packages available but what if 
the buyer can't afford to pay more?

I'm running a hodge podge of RC1 and the final release now

 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:19:03 2000 [D---]

hrm - it is kind of dissapointing that they don't make available the same 
version for everyone but I suppose this is a way they get around supporting 
their product. They only support the one that's payed for and theirs only 3 
ways to install it. Given the average IQ of most windows users who would buy 
it from Wal-Mart I suppose I could sympathize with them.

 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:20:37 2000 [D---]

but then - they should just put a disclaimer in the expert mode that warns 
that they will not be able to recieve support if expert mode install is 
chosen as (experts shouldn't need support).

They should reserve expert for experts and give us the full blow package like 
the downloaded version under expert in that case.

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:21:14 2000 [D---]


have you made isos of the final release yet?

 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:21:33 2000 [D---]

yeah I have.

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:21:55 2000 [D---]

good...I'll have to copy 'em...hehe

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:22:45 2000 [D---]

no fucking javascript in konqueror either...hehe

 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:22:58 2000 [D---]

yeah - no problem. If you'd like you can stop by tomorrow here and pick them 
up - I'll just be watching kids all day till 3:30.
That way you don't have to have a limping system all weekend

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:23:21 2000 [D--E]

I might just do that...probably be later in the evening though

 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:23:38 2000 [D--E]

you're shitting me - I really dunno what the heck I did to make mine work. 
can you get nmo's page with it?

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:23:51 2000 [D--E]

can't get anything

 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:24:20 2000 [D--E]

rpm -q kaffe
see if you have it installed.

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:24:37 2000 [D--E]

it's in there

 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:26:17 2000 [D--E]

I was going to go buy it myself, I would have been pissed to get less than 
what I payed for when not paying for it would give me more. In my eyes 
anyway, packages don't mean shit to me, I can run ./configure ; make all 
install just fine ;) But losing the power of choice, shit - choice is what 
linux is all about.

 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:26:51 2000 [D--E]

what version of kdebase?
rpm -q kdebase

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:26:52 2000 [D--E]

yeah...that's what torqued me off...the install manual is nice and the two 
extra cds are nice but that's beside the point

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:27:09 2000 [D--E]


 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:27:37 2000 [D--E]

oh man that's entirely disappointing too -
mine has

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:27:50 2000 [D--E]

I might have the RC1 version of that

 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:28:09 2000 [D--E]

ah - right. did you do an upgrade then or install?

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:28:26 2000 [D--E]


 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:28:53 2000 [D--E]

and that's the version with the final release

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:29:05 2000 [D--E]

ok now I'm really pissed off

 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:29:24 2000 [D--E]

doh - ya know, that's what it is. When you do upgrade you don't get all the 
choices you do from install, upgrade pretty much just does an rpm -F *.rpm so 
it updates what you already have installed on your system and doesn't do much 
for installing new.

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:29:59 2000 [D--E]

well...I did a full install the first time and I got fucked the same way

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:30:25 2000 [D--E]

you have kdebase-2.0-xxx with the Mandrake Isos you made?

 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:30:30 2000 [D--E]

you should pop the CD in and see what version it says kdebase is, it may just 
be that it didn't update yours for some reason.

 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:30:46 2000 [D--E]


 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:31:15 2000 [D--E]

something is fucked up then...I have the same version of kdebase on both the 
RC1 cd and the "release" I bought today

 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:33:05 2000 [D--E]

no way - they released a release candidate for sale. Next thing you know 
they'll release a service pack for it!
damn. Not real impressed at all.
/me thinks about debian. But will give mandrake time to explain before 

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:33:23 2000 [D--E]

same here

this is ridiculous

 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:33:44 2000 [D--E]

go to a console and see what it says for version. 
Also cat the VERSION file on the / dir of the first cd.

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:34:37 2000 [D--E]


 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:34:48 2000 [D--E]

here's my VERSION from the download tree
Linux-Mandrake Odyssey-i586 20001027 15:20

my version listed in the /etc/issue is 7.2

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:36:11 2000 [D--E]

Linux-Mandrake Complete (Desktop) Odyssey-i586 20001011 16:22 

 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:38:55 2000 [D--E]

wow - there were changes made right up to the day before yesterday on frozen 
rpm's too. That's sad as hell to release before release.
I wonder if it isn't something macmillian did though because the big G at 
Mandrake said mandrake would release on the 27 and hit stores in 15 days, 
that's why I as so astonished it was here today.
The (Desktop) version must mean (crummy - no control install)

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:41:47 2000 [D--E]

probably...oh well

 URL to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:54:03 2000 [D--E]

Url: http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2000-10-20-003-20-NW-MD
Ok, it wasn't who I thought it was that said it but anyway, they say release 
today! in stores 15 days from now - so why are they releasing RC code to 
consumers, damn will they look bad for this.
Giving people who pay $$$ unifinished stuff while those who downloaded for 
nothing get the full (up to date) package.

 Message from Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:56:09 2000 [D--E]

I'm going to write them a letter about this

 Message to Pizon
 Sat Oct 28 23:57:04 2000 [D--E]

I can put a clip of our conversation on the list too. This is very 

 Message from Pizon
 Sun Oct 29 00:00:08 2000 [D--E]

go for it...I think you should

Movie: The Sixth Sense
"I see dumb people... they're everywhere.
They walk around like everyone else.
They don't even know that they're dumb."

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