
On Mon, Oct 30, 2000 at 01:56:55PM +0100, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> So sprach Robert D. Williams am Sun, Oct 29, 2000 at 08:24:00PM -0600:
> > Does Mandrake publish their own packaging that will be available in the US?  
> While we're at it, what about other parts of the world?  To be honest, I
> haven't seen a Mandrake box here in Germany, but this may be just because I
> haven't looked :]  Who does the packaging for the rest of the world?

It depends. For the United States, AFAIK MacMillian is the sole distributer
(CheapBytes, CD-R aside.).

For other parts of the world MacMillian may not have a sole official distributer
role on the distribution of Linux-Mandrake, still, "official" boxes from
Mandrake are not on sale (probably shops are lazy to order?), for example, here in
Hong Kong I have seen CheapBytes CD for sale, I have seen MacMillian boxed
sets for sale, but no "Essential pack" or "PowerPack".

Geoffrey Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

~/.signature 中文big5 compliant.


I worry about the freedom of speech and the freedom of expression. I dread
the day when, 15 years later, my little daughter ask me, "Where were you
when all of this mess started ?"

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