Graham Percival wrote:

> Millions of electrons died to bring me this message.  Was it worth it,
>  Jason Straight?
> > I know, I understand the GPL but the GPL doesn't give someone else the right
> > to take a product and claim it's a different version and sell it.
> Actually, it does.  As long as they make the source code available to whoever
> they sold it to, you can do that.  On a similar note, remember that really bad
> "linux dot com" company (I think it was called LinuxOne)?  They took Mandrake
> 6.1, changed a few names, and tried to sell it.
> If MandrakeSoft owns a copyright on "Mandrake" (as I would expect them to),
> they could sue for copyright infringement.  Unless they have some agreement
> with MacMillian which allows them to use the name.  Which I think is the case.
> :(
> One of the problems with a GPLed world is getting information to people.
> Anybody can make a new linux distro.  Call it "Red Mat".  Sell it to newbies.
> Distro really sucks, because the maker is just out for a scam.  Newbies think
> that all linux sucks.

Well take the Red Hat linux distro and call it Mandrake and redistribute it....

It seems that it is similar to Apple suing M$ for the GUI interface while it is
Xerox which created it....

So bee cool...

MS keep MacMillian informed of the state of 7.2 !


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