Submitted 08-Nov-00 by Robert L Martin:

> and the fact that compaq lists some 8000(0) pages on their site as
> having linux as a keyword means no support? (that whole mirror of redhat
> 7? is just for giggles?)

Try getting tech support.  If the answer is not on their web site, forget
it.  The reps don't know anything other than what was originally shipped
with the system and refuse to answer questions with a generic "we don't
support Linux" statement.  I hadn't purchased a Compaq since my 1984
purchase of a Compaq portable, and support was excellent.  When I bought the
Deskpro two years ago, I expected the same.  And it still is great, *if* you
don't want to so anything with your system.  If you change OS's (even
putting W98 on a box that shipped with W95), they basically tell you that
it's your problem.

Anton Graham                            GPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 RSA key available upon request
Asking a working writer what he thinks about critics is like asking a
lamp-post how it feels about dogs.  
  -- Christopher Hampton

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