I did a fresh expert install using hd.img.  I've also just installed a 
Promise Ultra UDMA100 card and a 40GB Maxtor UDMA100 disk 
as /dev/hde.

1.  Halt or reboot shuts down all the processes correctly, then gives
    the message: "INIT - no more processes in this run level" and just 
    sits there like that for ever.  Consequently, I suffer a fscking fsck 
    every time.   I'm now using "/sbin/shutdown -f -r now" for reboot
    until you can advise me something better.

2.  My nice new UDMA100 disk is recognized as a UDMA33, which is a 
    tad disappointing.  I also have a UDMA66 version of that disk (same
    size) on the same PDC20267 which is correctly recognized and runs
        [23:06 root@penguin:/home/peter]# hdparm -Tt /dev/hde
        Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  1.26 seconds =101.59 MB/sec
        Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  3.40 seconds = 18.82 MB/sec
        [23:06 root@penguin:/home/peter]# hdparm -Tt /dev/hdf
         Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  1.23 seconds =104.07 MB/sec
         Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  2.32 seconds = 27.59 MB/sec
   I'll leave the optimizing up to the Promise controller, because the last
   time I experimented with hdparm the performance difference was negligible
   and my /var directory reported it was full (although `ls` couldn't explain 
   why `du` came to that conclusion).  All was OK after reboot - no 
   corruption, just crazy file size reporting.

3.  Konqueror just dumped me off the machine while it did an unprovoked hard 
    reset.  KDE2 may look pretty but it's buggier than Win98 - not worthy of 
    release status.

I'm glad that great ASCII penguin has gone, but I have neither "issue" nor 
"issue.net" in /etc, so I get a very bare prompt "penguin login:" - you 
surely didn't intend this.
 Peter Ruskin          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Wrexham, UK          KDE - the professionals' choice

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