On Thursday 09 November 2000 00:14, you wrote:
> Doug Roberts wrote:
> > Peter Ruskin wrote:
> >> 3.  Konqueror just dumped me off the machine while it did an unprovoked
> >> hard reset.  KDE2 may look pretty but it's buggier than Win98 - not
> >> worthy of release status.
> >
> > I have to second that. Konqueror was advertised as being able to handle
> > java. It doesn't.
> [Context: 7.2rc1 ISO] It did for me after I configured it on. You do have a
> Java runtime of some kind installed, don't you?
No, I hadn't even enabled Java, so it wasn't that - I just had two copies of 
the File Manager - not a browser in sight.
 Peter Ruskin          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Wrexham, UK          KDE - the professionals' choice

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