Doug Roberts wrote:
> Peter Ruskin wrote:
>> 3.  Konqueror just dumped me off the machine while it did an unprovoked hard
>>     reset.  KDE2 may look pretty but it's buggier than Win98 - not worthy of
>>     release status.
> I have to second that. Konqueror was advertised as being able to handle java.
> It doesn't.

[Context: 7.2rc1 ISO] It did for me after I configured it on. You do have a Java
runtime of some kind installed, don't you?

However, Konqueror sometimes doesn't send forms! This only happens for some of
my 7.2rc1 installs, and only some of the time. You click on the button, the
little cog starts spinning... and eventually Konqueror reports that the site is
not responding. Same machine, same site under Netscape works fine (but it's
noticeably slower getting around).

What I would really like to see for Konqueror is the ability to define a URL for
the ``home'' button. I could use it in a web cafe once the form-sending issue is
settled, but having Home go only to file:///home/username/ isn't much use in
that situation.

"Diaper spelled backwards is Repaid.  Think about it."
    -- Marshall McLuhan

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