> So sprach Sam am Fri, Nov 10, 2000 at 01:59:18PM +0000:
> > You're in charge of marketing- which has more brand recognition as 
> > included package on the side of your box- Mozilla, Netscape or Konqueror. 
> > I think the answers obvious.
> Right, it's my favourite, w3m, isn't it? :]
> To get real, I'd also vote against using Mozilla as the default browser in
> Mandrake.  While Mozilla is really fine (I use it a lot), Sam's reasons
> against Mozilla are very true.  Right now I'd suggest to include all 3
> browsers:
> - netscape-old (4.76)
> - netscape (6.0)
> - netscape-hack (Mozilla)
> And all those three browsers should be in the main distribution.  Netscape
> old should be included, because it's known to work (well, sort of anyway
> :]), and because users from other Unix systems (Unix, not Linux!) are
> probably very much more used to Netscape 4.x than to anything else as a
> browser.  netscape 6 should be in, because it's the newest and greatest.  It
> should also be the default browser, so that some more beta testing is done. 
> And finally Mozilla should be in, because it can be superior (fewer bugs and
> all that) to netscape 6, but it shouldn't be the default, as it is unstable,
> just like cooker is.
> Alexander Skwar
> -- 
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Why is netscape up to 4.76. Security-problem ???

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