mdk mailin list Harry wrote:

> again: "WHY IS JOE MISSING from this Mandrake 7.2 'complete'?" (and ncftp as
> well), and who made this decision?
> I bought mine from a hardware dealer, it is a legitimate MacMaillan package,
> is NOT the single disk set from Wal-Mart.
> apparently gipped in the money that I just spent!

Starting to sound like you may have discovered a new "source"...  If you take up
Mandrake's offer of replacement CDs, it might be worthwhile returning yours to
Mandrake for [quick] analysis...


PS: I had some weird problems which I posted; but the "packaging" noise in this
list drowns out others' chances for an answer.  For $32, I'd trade you the lack
of Joe for a system which forces a reboot.  Missing stuff I can download (minor
inconvenience); bugs I have to report so you et al don't get burned too.  [and
yes, I know about reporting bugs; I've reported several...  just not sure where
to point this finger yet.]

> -Harry

Linux (Up 8:10 hours) -- Reboots are for system upgrades...
Last reboot reason:  11/18/00: installed Mandrake 7.2, +2 SCSI HDs

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