on 11/19/00 9:28 PM, Alexander Skwar at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> If you can't stand the responses, GET LOST!

Hmmm, do you work for Mandrake?

> I doubt that the marketing will even response when YOU ARE always so
> arrogant!  That's right!  The person being arrogant in the first place is
> *YOU*!

Look, I'll be the first one to retract my words if it turns out that I was
wrong. After Geoffery's response, I was looking for joe in the location he
mentioned, ready to apologize to this list.

Turns out that joe is INDEED nowhere to be found on the disks, validating my
original rant/question - and Pixel was the only person who answered it in a
knowledgeable way (thanks, Pixel).

Yeah, you are free to feel that my response was arrogant, but it was
obviously naive of me to assume that something billed as 'complete' actually
would be so.


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