So sprach mdk mailin list (Harry) am Mon, Nov 20, 2000 at 08:22:37AM -0800:
> on 11/19/00 9:28 PM, Alexander Skwar at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > If you can't stand the responses, GET LOST!
> Hmmm, do you work for Mandrake?

No, sorry, I do not, although I would like to...

> Look, I'll be the first one to retract my words if it turns out that I was
> wrong. After Geoffery's response, I was looking for joe in the location he
> mentioned, ready to apologize to this list.

Yes, as others already said, the reason for your action is understandable;
your words are not (at least not to me).  And...

> Yeah, you are free to feel that my response was arrogant, but it was
> obviously naive of me to assume that something billed as 'complete' actually
> would be so.

...that's true.  Complete should mean each and everything.  See another post
of mine.

Alexander Skwar
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