On Wed Nov 29, 2000 at 10:41:43AM -0500, David Walluck wrote:

> The ntp package on the 7.2 CD seems to need /lib/librt.so from glibc 2.2
> which isn't included in 7.2. I verfied the problem by downloading off of
> ftp to make sure my CD wasn't outdated or anything like that. Grabbing the
> SRPM and recpompiling fixed it but you should release an updated package
> for ntp. I'm surprised no one else has reported this problem, but...

Are you sure?  I just uninstalled ntp-4.0.99k-2mdk and downloaded it
again (my CDs are in a box somewhere), and the only problem I had were
conflicts with xntp3.  I uninstalled xntp3 and ntp installed just
fine.  I have no /lib/librt.so so it obviously can't require it.

> I also have a problem with glibc, which makes me think something may be
> wrong with that package, and that is what is causing the problem. For some
> reason /lib/libc6.so shows as GLIBC_2.2 when nothing else does. This makes
> RPM think packages a compile need glibc-2.2 package (when 2.1.3 comes with
> 7.2). Again, I reinstalled this glibc package and it still had
> GLIBC_2.2. I admit this could be a package left over from cooker and it is
> not overwriting that file for some reason, but this should be looked into
> as well.

I have no /lib/libc6.so on my 7.2 install.  Have you been mucking
around with cooker packages or something?  It doesn't sound like you
have a straight 7.2 install on your hands and that may be causing your

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